Occupational Heath and safety Coordination in research and teaching.

23 April 2024

As we know the University makes agreements with other Universities, Institutes of Investigation, and other types of entities (usually related to research projects or technology transference). This allows that persons which come from outside of the UMH could teach and research in our facilities, and also allows our people to make university teaching and research outside the UMH.
When these exchanges are significant, we have to apply the article 24 of the LPRL, and the RD. 171/2004 which develops the former article. This normative regulates the exchange of information and the activities of coordination among the companies or institutions that work in the same center. We enclosed the procedure that we must follow in the university to fulfill the legal requests previously mentioned.

pdf.gif Procedure of Coordination of Occupational Hazards in Research and Teaching v2.7

We also include the informative leaflet which is described in the procedure.

word.gif Informative leaflet

Procedure approved by Body Government of the University in may 3rd 2006.
